

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Amazing Brownie Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie

While searching the internet desperately for some tasty lunch/dinner recipes that my toddler would actually eat, I came upon The Picky Palate.  There were a number of dishes that caught my eye including the Cheesy Chicken Cordon Bleu Rice Casserole (which I made by the way and it turned out SO WELL)...

...but the one that made my mouth water was the: Brownie Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie

I followed this recipe almost to a "t" except that I added peanut butter chips to the cookie batter. Also, so that the cookies weren't GIGANTIC, I mushed the brownies into a small ball and flattened out the cookie dough in my hand a wrapped it around the brownie. Doing it the way Jenny from the Picky Palate instructs on her blog works just fine too (my first round I did her way) but it is an understatement to say that the cookies came out huge. One cookie could have fed a small army!!! :)  I can't really stop at one bite, so for my sake, I needed to make them smaller.

Here is picture I took of my finished cookie. Rest assured, after holding off long enough to quickly take the photo, the dessert ended up safely in my belly. YUM!!!

***If any remains after being freshly baked and the cookie has cooled down, warm it up for 10 seconds. Thinking about it adding some ice cream on top sounds amazing!!!

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