

Friday, December 7, 2012

Influenster Cosmo VoxBox 2012

While reading one of my favorite blogs, I stumbed upon Influenster.  Instantly intrigued, I went to go check them out.  Influenster is a community of people who review and give opinions about various products and experiences.  If you are one of the lucky ones, they will send you a VoxBox filled with products for you try.  I immediately signed up and started taking part in their community. Not too much later, I got an email that I was picked for the 2012 Cosmo VoxBox. I was beyond ecstatic. Me, they picked ME for a VoxBox.  I was the luckiest girl on earth :)  I waited by the door, each day, waiting for my box.  At a certain point, I was sure the box was never coming...did I enter my address incorrectly? Did the mailman steal it? Then, one happy day, it arrived!!! I tore the package open and couldn't believe my eyes! 

Here is what was included in my Cosmo Voxbox 2012!

FriXion by Pilot Pens ($4.50 4 pack) - I received a red and black pen.  The red one I think could be perfect for writing our Christmas cards! The pens are pretty cool. I love that it is totally erasable.  If you make a mistake, you can erase it with the rubber tip!  It doesn't write as "smoothy" as some of my favorite gel pens, but you can't beat the fact that you don't have to worry about messing up!!! LOVE
Forever Red Eau de Parfume by Bath and Body Works ($10.00 for .25oz) - It smells really nice. Not too strong and over powering, but just right. I also love that it lasts and doesn't fade away quickly like some other perfume does. It is fast becoming one of my favs.
From Bath and Body Works's site about their perfume:
Our most luxurious longest lasting fragrance blends opulent notes of fiery red pomegranate and delicate peche de vigne, a rare and fleeting French peach. Soft petals of red osmanthus give way to notes of addictive velvety marshmallow and a surprising finale of rich vanilla rum that leaves an unforgettable impression.
  • Top Notes: Fiery Pomegranate, Rare French Peach, Luminous Apple
  • Mid Notes: Red Peony, Night Marigold, Red Osmanthus
  • Dry Notes: Rich Vanilla Rum, Velvety Marshmallow, Oak Wood

Ghirardelli Gourmet Milk Sea Salt Escape - Can you say "ahhh-mazing".  I opened the package with the intention of having 1 square....ONE...and within a matter of minutes, the whole bar was gone. :( Needless to say, HUGE fan.
Depending on the situation, I am at times, hard pressed to try new things. I like to stick to the tried and true. If I know it works for me, I stick with it.  Razors are one of them. I am very picky and when I find one I like, I really stick to it.  And by really, I mean years.  I have been a loyal user of the Gillette SensorExcel for more years that I can possibly tell you.  They stopped selling the actual razors in store and so I started to buy them online. Luckily, I've been able to find the actual blades in some stores still (though don't really know why they wouldn't carry the razor then too?)  

Take a look at this bad boy. Yep. Totally inlove since high school.Yes. HIGH SCHOOL (Lemme tell you, it is wayyyy past high school for me).

After not shaving for a few days (oops, yikes and eww), I was in desperate need of shaving. I thought to myself, what better time than now to try out the razor (and blades) I received in my VoxBox from Influenster! I opened the package and got in the shower. In order to do an accurate review, I shaved my right leg with the Gillette Venus Embrace blade the razor came with and used the Venus & Olay Razor on my left leg. I have to be honest. I thought to myself, "Nothing is going to compare to my handy, trusty, SensorExcel", but you know what, it totally blew my mind. Both blades did a really awesome job and did a nice close shave, leaving my legs smooth and silky. Both razors did a fantastic job. If I HAVE to pick ONE winner, I would choose the Venus & Olay Razor only because no shaving cream is needed! (How awesome is that). Another cool thing about the Venus Razor is that any Venus blade refill will fit any Venus handle. No more having to hunt down the exact blade that matches with your exact razor. Heaven!

I received these products complimentary from Influenster in exchange for me trying them out.


  1. I got mine today and I am already in love with the pens.

  2. I know! They are so cool! You can erase what you wrote if you made a mistake! Is this your first VoxBox or have they sent you more? (This is my first!)

  3. This is my first box from them also!!!!! Although I have to say I wasn't a big fan of the Forever Red, but I'm not a big perfume person!!!

  4. How long were you a member before they sent you the VoxBox? Did you write a lot of reviews? I just joined a few weeks ago. I was (happily) surprised to receive an email that I was getting a VoxBox.
