

Friday, March 29, 2013

Babies, Baby Showers and Tiny Little Feet!

I've got baby on the brain...wait...not like that....I've got my little man and I think it's going to stay just like that...However, I do have 2 friends who are preggy and due during the summer time (one at the beginning  one at the end of summer).  I've been looking at all things baby (oh so cute!!! those tiny hands and tiny feet!)

With their due dates coming up showers are in order. While I like the convenience of online invites, nothing beats the good ol' fashioned actual mailed invitation. It's so much more personal and classy in my Who doesn't LOVE to get mail  (and I'm not talking about bills...thats notsofun).

With that, I hopped (get it...hopped because it's almost Easter time - ha I crack myself up) over to TinyPrints and found THE cutest Baby Shower Invitations, EVER.

Seriously? Do you not love these? I'm really having a hard time just picking a favorite!

What do you think? Which is your fave?  Check out the huge selection they have over at Tiny Prints.

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