

Monday, June 3, 2013

Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe?

I have decided to start exercising (again)....and by that, I mean I have gone for a run twice in 2 weeks. Yes. Thats correct. That equals once a week (yes. embarrassing. I'm aware).

While I LOVEEEE baking and making brownies, cakes, pies and cookies, for weeks and weeks I haven't made any. Now since I started my "running", I have since made brownies (which I pretty much ate 80% of) and currently have chocolate chip cookies in the oven.  I have a pretty awesome chocolate chip cookie recipe, but I'm always on the hunt for something better. While searching the internet, I came across's site. She shared, what sounds to be The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe that she found from The New York Times.  In my ongoing quest to find just that, I decided to give it a try. In fact, I literally "just" took out the first batch.  The recipe calls for putting it in the fridge for 24 to 72 hours before baking, but I HAD to make 1 batch straight away :)

I won't lie. It smelled heavenly while it was baking and looked pretty darn tasty when I took it out, but when I bit into it, it was just way too sweet for me. I usually only put half of the sugar that the recipe calls for when making cookies. However, I wanted to follow the recipe to a "T". If I gave my son a bite of this, he would be on a sugar high for days. Good thing he was already asleep for the night when I made these. :)

What was the point of me starting off this post that I've been starting to exercise? Just kind of a fact about me, that every time I get in my head that I want to get in shape and start (slowly) doing something about it, I immediately start craving sweets :|

Other recipes I found while searching for this one (that I would like to try one day):

Strawberry Shortcake with Chocolate

Hot Milk Cakes with Strawberries and Vanilla Cream

Black and White Chocolate Cheesecake Bars

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